định của Dân biểu Đức về tuyên bố không kháng án của TS Phạm Chí Dũng
biểu liên bang Đức Renate Künast
Nhận định của bà Luật sư Dân biểu Bảo trợ Đức, Chủ tịch Nhóm
Dân biểu về Quan hệ với Khối ASEAN, về tuyên bố
không kháng án của TS Phạm Chí Dũng.
Dân biểu
liên bang Đức Renate Künast (*) đã ra thông cáo sau khi nhận được bản tuyên bố
của TS Phạm Chí Dũng, nhà báo độc lập Việt Nam, về bản án tuyên ngày 5/1/2021 tại
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam:
Thông cáo báo chí
Ngày 26 tháng 1 năm 2021
“Vào ngày 5/1/2021 nhà báo nổi tiếng, TS Phạm Chí Dũng, Chủ tịch Hội
Nhà báo Độc lập Việt Nam (IJAVN), đã bị Tòa án Nhân dân TpHCM tuyên án 15 năm
tù cộng thêm 3 năm quản thúc tại gia với cáo buộc ‘Tuyên truyền chống Nhà
nước CHXHCN Việt Nam’. Từ năm 2012, với tư thế một nhà báo độc lập,
ông đã viết bài cho các tổ chức truyền thông ở trong và ngoài Việt Nam.
Mặc dù từng bị bắt giam và hăm dọa nhiều lần, ông vẫn
dấn thân bảo vệ nhân quyền và quyền tự do báo chí một cách bền bỉ và mạnh mẽ. Từ
mùa hè năm 2020, tôi dấn thân bảo vệ cho ông trong khuôn khổ của Chương
trình Dân biểu Bảo vệ cho Dân biểu (PsP) của Quốc hội Liên Bang Đức.
Hôm nay tôi bàng hoàng khi nhận tin ông không muốn
đòi phúc thẩm bản án vô nhân đạo vì ông không còn chút hy vọng nào về một phiên
xử công bằng tại quốc gia Việt Nam này. Tuyên bố của ông cho thấy rõ tình trạng
nhân quyền tại Việt Nam đang thảm hại thế nào và chúng ta – cộng đồng Quốc tế – không được phép ngừng nghỉ
trong việc đòi hỏi cho nhân quyền phải được tôn trọng.
Trong suy nghĩ này tôi hoan nghênh Nghị viện Âu Châu
đã thông qua Nghị quyết vào ngày 21/01/2021 đòi trả tự do vô điều kiện cho Phạm
Chí Dũng và tất cả những người phải ngồi tù chỉ vì thực hiện quyền tự do ngôn
luận. Liên minh Âu châu (EU) đã thông qua Hiệp định Thương mại Tự do giữa
EU và Việt Nam (EVFTA), do
đó có nhiệm vụ không được ngoảnh mặt đối với tình trạng nhân quyền ở Việt Nam
mà phải đòi hỏi cho nhân quyền được tôn trọng.
Bản dịch tiếng Việt của tổ
chức VETO! Human Rights Defenders‘ Network
(VETO! Mạng lưới Người Bảo vệ Nhân quyền)
(*) Thông tin thêm về dân biểu Đức Renate Künast:
Vào ngày 7/10/2020, bà Renate Künast, dân biểu Quốc
hội Liên Bang Đức, đã chính thức loan báo nhận việc nhận bảo trợ cho ông Phạm Chí Dũng,
một nhà báo tự do và Chủ tịch Hội Nhà báo Độc lập Việt Nam (IJAVN), và đưa ông
vào chương trình “Dân biểu bảo vệ Dân biểu” của Quốc hội.
Trong bài phỏng vấn của Quốc hội liên bang Đức vào ngày
1/12/2020. Bà Künast trình bày rõ phương cách đấu tranh cho tự do của Phạm Chí
Dũng và cho quyền tự do báo chí ở Việt Nam.
Luật sư
Künast, sinh năm 1955, là dân biểu Quốc hội Liên Bang Đức liên tục từ
nhiệm khóa 2002 đến nay. Bà từng là Bộ trưởng Liên bang về Bảo vệ Người tiêu thụ,
Dinh dưỡng và Nông nghiệp (2001-2005), Chủ tịch Uỷ Ban Tư pháp và Bảo vệ Người
tiêu thụ của Quốc hội liên bang Đức (2014-2017), Dân biểu tiểu bang Berlin
(1985-1987, 1989-2000), Chủ tịch Khối dân biểu đảng Xanh tại Quốc hội tiểu bang
Berlin (1990-1993, 1998-2000), Chủ tịch đảng Xanh Liên bang (2000-2001) và Chủ
tịch Khối dân biểu đảng Xanh tại Quốc hội Liên bang Đức (2005-2013).
Nguyên văn:
Erklärung von Dr. Pham Chi Dung zu seiner Verurteilung
Die Bundestagsabgeordnete
Renate Künast erklärt zu dem Statement des vietnamesischen Journalisten Dr.
Pham Chi Dung über seine Verurteilung am 5. Januar 2021 in Ho Chi Minh Stadt,
“Am 05.01.2021 wurde der
bekannte Journalist Dr. Pham Chi Dung, Vorsitzender der Vereinigung der
Unabhängigen Journalisten in Vietnam (IJAVN), vom Volksgericht in Ho Chi Minh
Stadt wegen “Propaganda gegen den Sozialistischen Staat” zu 15 Jahren Haft und
3 weiteren Jahren Hausarrest verurteilt. Seit 2021 schrieb er als freier
Journalist für Medien in Vietnam und außerhalb und engagierte sich trotz zahlreicher
Verhaftungs- und Einschüchterungsversuche beständig und lautstark für
Menschenrechte und eine freie Presse . Seit Sommer 2020 setze ich mich im
Rahmen des “Parlamentarier schützen Parlamentarier”-Programms des Deutschen
Bundestags für Dr. Dung ein.
Mit Bestürzung habe ich
erfahren, dass er gegen das menschenunwürdige Urteil nicht in Berufung gehen
will, da er in diesem vietnamesischen Staat keinerlei Hoffnung für ein faires
Verfahren sieht. Seine Erklärung macht deutlich, in welch dramatischer Lage
sich die Menschenrechte in Vietnam befinden und dass wir als internationale
Gemeinschaft nicht nachlassen dürfen, uns für die deren Wahrung einzusetzen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund begrüße ich, dass das Europäische Parlament am
21.01.2021 eine Resolution verabschiedet hat, in der sie die bedingungslose
Freilassung von Pham Chi Dung und all jenen fordern, die allein aufgrund ihrer
freien Meinungsäußerung im Gefängnis sitzen. Die EU hat das
EU-Vietnam-Freihandelsabkommens abgeschlossen, auch daraus wächst eine Verantwortung,
bei der Menschenrechtssituation in Vietnam nicht weg zu schauen, sondern die
Wahrung der Menschenrechte einzufordern.”
Die Erklärung von Dr.
Pham Chi Dung finden Sie hier
Die Resolution des
EU-Parlaments finden Sie hier.
Xin xem Tuyên bố của Ts. Phạm Chí Dũng ở
of Phạm Chí Dũng
– Witnessing how
the lawyers defending me and my colleagues are subjected to an uncivilized and
brutal treatment by the Court of Ho Chi Minh City;
– Seeing clearly
that the predetermined verdict is a means to strangle press freedom in Vietnam;
– Being informed
that on January 8, 2021, the Court of Appeal upheld the harsh prison terms of
the Nhóm Hiến Pháp (Group for the Constitution) while they should have been
released for being innocents. This group was just preparing a demonstration to
claim constitutional rights, but not to undermine the public security;
– Considering that
the Court of Appeal has upheld the verdicts in mostly all other political
I decide not to appeal
against the verdict.
I do not appeal – not
because I accept this unjust and very harsh sentence. My fate would be decided
by God and not by the Court or the Communist Party.
Let this verdict be an
evidence for the world about the so-called respect of human rights and press
freedom in Vietnam.
I would like to express
my profound appreciation to the US State Department, the German Federal Foreign
Office, the European Union, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the
international diplomatic corps, and all domestic and foreign organizations and
individuals who voiced their sympathy for our situation.
Many thanks to my
attorneys – Nguyen Van Mieng and Dang Dinh Manh – for passionately defending
us, though the results did not come out as expected.
May God grant peace to my
family, with hope to be together again soon. May human rights and democracy
come soon to the people of Vietnam.
Chi Hoa Detention Center
January 18, 2021
(Signature) Phạm Chí Dũng
Xem nghị quyết của Nghị viện
châu Âu tại đây:
European Parliament resolution of 21
January 2021 on the human rights situation in Vietnam, in particular the case
of human rights journalists Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh
Tuan (2021/2507(RSP))
The European Parliament,
– having
regard to its previous resolutions on Vietnam, in particular those of 15 November
2018 on Vietnam, notably the situation of political prisoners(1),
of 14 December 2017 on freedom of expression in Vietnam, notably the case of
Nguyen Van Hoa(2),
and of 9 June 2016 on Vietnam(3),
– having regard
to its resolutions of 12 February 2020 on the draft Council decision on the
conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam(4),
and on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of
the Investment Protection Agreement between the European Union and its Member
States, of the one part, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, of the other
part (IPA)(5),
– having
regard to the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation
between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, of the other, signed on 27 June 2012, which
entered into force in October 2016 (PCA) ,
– having
regard to the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA),
– having
regard to the 10th EU-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue of 19 February 2020,
– having regard
to the European External Action Service (EEAS) statement by its spokesperson of
6 January 2021 on the sentencing of three journalists (Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen
Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan),
– having
regard to the message by the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam
regarding the decision of the Court of Appeal of Ho Chi Minh City of January
2021 to uphold the heavy sentence handed down to the members of the Hiến Pháp
– having regard
to the UN Special Rapporteurs’ joint statement of 14 January 2021 entitled
‘Viet Nam: Arrests send chilling message before key Party meeting’,
– having regard
to the press briefing notes of the Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights of 8 January 2021 on Viet-Nam, and to the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights’s statement of 3 June 2020 entitled ‘Asia: Bachelet alarmed by
clampdown on freedom of expression during COVID-19’,
– having regard
to the joint allegation letters by UN Special Procedures of 17 September 2020
on the three journalists and of 22 January 2020 on two individuals including
journalist Pham Chi Dung, and to the respective responses by the Vietnamese
Government of 28 December 2020 and 18 March 2020,
– having regard
to the third periodic report of Viet Nam (CCPR/C/VNM/3) of 11 and 12 March 2019
and to the UN Human Rights Committee’s concluding observations thereon of 29
August 2019,
– having
regard to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) of
– having regard
to the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders,
– having regard
to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948,
– having regard
to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which
Vietnam acceded in 1982,
– having
regard to Rules 144(5) and 132(4) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas on 5 January 2021, human rights defenders and
journalists Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan, members of
the Independent Journalist Association of Vietnam (IJAVN), were sentenced to
heavy prison terms of 15, 11 and 11 years respectively by the People’s Court of
Ho Chi Minh City for, among other charges, ‘making, storing and spreading
information, materials and items for the purpose of opposing the State’;
whereas the scope of their respective reporting includes government
mismanagement and corruption, the treatment of human rights defenders by the
Vietnamese authorities, and the pro-democracy movement in Vietnam;
B. whereas the Vietnamese authorities continue to imprison,
detain, harass and intimidate human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers,
human rights lawyers, civil society activists and trade unionists in the
country; whereas human rights defenders face long prison sentences for their
human rights work and for exercising their fundamental right to freedom of
expression, both online and offline; whereas Vietnam currently holds in
detention the largest number of political prisoners in Southeast Asia,
including 170 prisoners of conscience, of whom 69 are being held solely for
their social media activity; whereas most political prisoners are detained
under vaguely worded national security clauses which are inconsistent with the
Vietnamese Constitution and international human rights treaties such as the
ICCPR, to which Vietnam is a State Party;
C. whereas political and human rights activists face harsh
conditions in detention, including denial of access to medical care, legal
counsel and family contact, and are often subjected to violence, torture or
other forms of ill-treatment; whereas their often expeditious trials do not
meet basic standards of impartiality, fairness, and independence of the courts;
whereas confessions are regularly extracted under duress and televised;
D. whereas Pham Chi Dung, an independent journalist
campaigning in defence of the environment, democracy, media freedom, political
pluralism, the rule of law, and the development of civil society, has been in
arbitrary detention since November 2019 on charges of ‘cooperating with foreign
media to deliver distorted information’; whereas these charges were brought
after he sent a video message to MEPs urging them to postpone the ratification
of the EVFTA until progress had been made on human rights in the country; whereas
Pham Chi Dung had previously been detained for six months in 2012 on the same
E. whereas shortly after Pham Chi Dung’s arrest, the IJAVN’s
website was shut down by the authorities; whereas Ngyuen Tuong Thuy was
arrested in his Hanoi apartment on 23 May 2020 and Le Huu Minh Tuan was
arrested on 12 June 2020; whereas all three human rights defenders had been
subjected to harassment and intimidation by the Vietnamese authorities prior to
their arbitrary arrest and conviction;
F. whereas according to civil society reports, close to
80 % of prisoners of conscience in Vietnam are in prison for their social
media activity; whereas at least two global social media platforms have
substantially increased their compliance with Vietnam’s freedom of speech
restrictions and censorship laws, including through the censorship of peaceful
criticism of the state, the expansion of geo-blocking and the removal of
‘propaganda against the Party and the State’, in breach of universal standards
such as the UNGPs, and their own codes of conduct;
G. whereas Vietnam ranks 175 out of 180 in the Reporters
Without Borders 2020 World Press Freedom Index; whereas nearly all media
outlets in Vietnam are state-owned and controlled, and there is censorship,
including of foreign broadcasters and publications; whereas the Vietnamese
Government continues to prohibit the operation of independent or privately
owned media outlets and exerts strict control over radio and TV stations and
printed publications; whereas in April 2016, the National Assembly passed a
media law severely restricting press freedom in Vietnam;
H. whereas on 12 June 2018, Vietnam’s National Assembly passed
a cybersecurity law aimed at tightening online controls, which requires
providers to delete posts considered ‘threatening’ to national security;
whereas this law places harsh restrictions on freedom of expression online and
aims to severely limit the right to privacy;
I. whereas the right to freedom of expression is guaranteed by
the Vietnamese Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
other international conventions which Vietnam has signed up to, including the
ICCPR; whereas, in the context of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review, Vietnam
accepted recommendations to guarantee freedom of opinion and expression and
lift restrictions on it;
J. whereas on 1 January 2018, Vietnam’s first ever law on
belief and religion came into effect, obliging all religious groups in the
country to register with the authorities and to inform them about their
activities; whereas the authorities can reject or hinder registration
applications and ban religious activities which they arbitrarily deem to be
contrary to the ‘national interest’, ‘public order’ or ‘national unity’;
K. whereas the Criminal Code of Vietnam contains repressive
provisions which are abusively used to silence, arrest, detain or sentence, or
restrict the activity of, human rights defenders, dissidents, lawyers, trade
unions, religious groups and non-governmental organisations, notably those that
express critical views of the Government of Vietnam;
L. whereas the death penalty is still applied in the country,
but the number of executions is unknown since Vietnamese authorities classify
death penalty statistics as a state secret;
M. whereas EU-Vietnam relations are founded on the EU-Vietnam
PCA, of which human rights are an essential element, and which provides for the
suspension of bilateral cooperation instruments, including bilateral trade
preferences, in the event of serious and systematic violations of human rights;
N. whereas, under the EU-Vietnam PCA, and in particular
Articles 1, 2 and 35 thereof, Vietnam has committed to cooperating with the
European Union in the promotion and protection of human rights; whereas such
cooperation includes the implementation of international human rights
instruments, such as the ICCPR, to which Vietnam is a State Party; whereas a
clear link exists between the EU-Vietnam PCA and the EVFTA, wherein both
parties committed to fulfil their human rights obligations; whereas the
essential elements clause in the EU-Vietnam PCA allows for appropriate measures
in the event of severe and systematic violations of human rights;
O. whereas the second Joint Committee under the EU-Vietnam
PCA, which met online on 15 December 2020, reviewed proposals for
cooperation in the field of human rights, including the implementation of the
ICCPR, and accepted the recommendations made in the Universal Periodic Review;
1. Calls on the Vietnamese authorities to immediately and unconditionally
release Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan and all other
journalists, human rights and environmental defenders, trade unionists and
prisoners of conscience detained and sentenced for merely exercising their
right to freedom of expression, and to drop all charges against them;
2. Is appalled by and condemns the escalating crackdown on
dissent and increasing violations of human rights in Vietnam, including the
sentencing, political intimidation, surveillance, harassment, unfair trials and
forced exiles of and assaults on political activists, journalists, bloggers,
dissidents and human rights defenders for exercising their freedom of
expression, which are clear breaches of Vietnam’s international human rights
3. Calls on the Vietnamese authorities to immediately cease
other forms of harassment, including judicial harassment and intimidation of
journalists, human rights and environmental defenders, activists and all
individuals engaged in the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of
expression and other human rights, both online and offline;
4. Expresses deep concern over the overcrowded and unsanitary
conditions in Vietnamese prisons, which increase the risk of infection with
COVID-19 and other diseases; reiterates the call of the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights to release all those detained without sufficient legal basis,
including political prisoners and those detained for dissenting views; insists
that, pending their release, the Vietnamese authorities must ensure, in all
circumstances, the physical safety and psychological well-being of all
prisoners, including Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan, and
ensure that the treatment of all other political prisoners and detainees is in
line with international standards; stresses the fact that the right to access
lawyers, medical professionals and family members is an important safeguard
against torture and ill-treatment;
5. Calls on the Vietnamese authorities to end the censorship
of independent news and media produced by both domestic and international news
outlets, including the IJAVN, to cease restrictions on online information
sources and internet usage, and to provide a safe space and enabling
environment for journalists, citizen journalists, bloggers and others who
express themselves online;
6. Expresses its concern about the reported participation of
global social media networks in attempts by the Vietnamese authorities to limit
freedom of expression, and urges global social media platforms not to be
complicit in the ongoing censorship in Vietnam;
7. Calls on the Government of Vietnam to remove all
restrictions on freedom of religion and to put an end to the harassment of
religious communities;
8. Urges the Vietnamese Government to revise the provisions of
the Criminal Code of Vietnam, notably Articles 117, 118 and 331, which unduly
restrict the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and
association, and to amend the Law on Cybersecurity and Decrees 15/2020/ND-CP on
penalties for administrative violations of regulations on postal services,
telecommunications, radio frequencies, information technology and electronic
transactions, and 72/2013/ND-CP on the management, provision, and use of
internet services and information content online, in order to bring them into
conformity with international human rights standards; stresses, in particular,
that a reform of the Criminal Code is also necessary to ensure the effective
implementation of International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions 98 and
87, which Vietnam has committed to ratifying;
9. Calls on Vietnam to accelerate the pace of the ratification
of ILO Convention 87 on the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right
to Organise and to ensure its prompt entry into force, and to provide a
credible roadmap for the implementation of ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition
of Forced Labour and Convention 98 on the Right to Organise and Collective
Bargaining; calls on the authorities of Vietnam to recognise independent labour
unions and to protect all workers, especially women and children, against
discrimination, sexual harassment, violations of the legal overtime threshold,
and breaches of safety and health obligations;
10. Calls on the Vietnamese authorities to support the
implementation of the UNGPs, and calls on companies based in or operating
within the EU to comply with the UNGPs and both international and human rights
11. Calls on the Vietnamese authorities to introduce an
immediate moratorium on the use of the death penalty, as a step towards
abolition; calls for a review of all death sentences to ensure that the trials
adhered to international standards, and for the accession of Vietnam to the
Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR, which aims for the abolition of the
death penalty;
12. Underscores that respect for human rights constitutes a key
foundation of the bilateral relations between Vietnam and the EU and is an
essential element of the EU-Vietnam PCA and the EVFTA;
13. Welcomes the strengthened partnership and human rights
dialogue between the EU and Vietnam, especially the establishment of the EP
Joint Parliamentary Monitoring Group (JPMG) with the National Assembly of
Vietnam to monitor the implementation of the EVFTA and the IPA, which could
facilitate dialogue beyond trade; recalls the importance of the human rights
dialogue as a key instrument to be used in an effective manner to accompany and
encourage Vietnam to implement the necessary reforms; calls on the EEAS, the
Commission and the EU Special Representative for Human Rights to strengthen the
human rights dialogue with Vietnam at the highest levels;
14. Acknowledges the institutional and legal link between the
EVFTA and the PCA, which ensures that human rights are placed at the core of
the EU-Vietnam relationship; calls on the Parties to make use of the agreements
in order to improve the human rights situation in Vietnam, and underlines the
importance of a constructive and effective human rights dialogue between the EU
and Vietnam; reminds the Government of Vietnam, in the light of the magnitude
of the ongoing human rights violations, that the EU-Vietnam PCA, which is
linked to the EVFTA, allows for appropriate action to be taken in the event of
serious breaches of human rights, taking a tougher stance vis-à-vis the
Vietnamese Government; welcomes the opportunity to raise human rights issues in
the meetings of the JPMG on the EVFTA with the Vietnamese Parliament, and also
welcomes the fact that the first such meeting took place in December 2020;
15. Calls upon the Commission and the EEAS to swiftly carry out
a comprehensive human rights impact assessment on what the EVFTA could mean for
human rights, which is what Parliament asked for in its resolution on the
ratification of the agreement; calls for the adoption of an action plan to
effectively address Vietnam’s intensifying crackdown and its failure to abide
by its human rights obligations, and calls on the Commission and the EEAS to
regularly report to Parliament on the implementation of that action plan;
16. Reiterates its call for the EU and Vietnam to set up an
independent monitoring mechanism on human rights and an independent complaints
mechanism, providing affected citizens and local stakeholders with effective
recourse to remedy;
17. Regrets that the Domestic Advisory Groups on the EVFTA are
not yet operational, and reiterates its call for a broad and balanced
representation of independent, free and diverse civil society organisations
within those groups, including independent Vietnamese organisations from the
labour and environmental sectors and human rights defenders; calls on the
Vietnamese authorities to refrain from any undue interference in the
composition and functioning of the body as well as threats or retaliation
against its selected members;
18. Urges Vietnam to issue a standing invitation to the UN
Special Procedures to visit Vietnam, in particular the Special Rapporteur on
Freedom of Opinion and Expression and the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights
Defenders, and give them free and unfettered access to all parties they wish to
19. Calls on the Vice-President of the Commission / High
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the EEAS
and the Commission to support journalists, civil society groups and individuals
defending human rights in Vietnam in an active manner, including by calling for
the release of journalists, human rights defenders and prisoners of conscience
in all contact they have with the Vietnamese authorities; urges the EU Delegation
in Hanoi to provide all appropriate support to the imprisoned human rights
defenders, including by arranging prison visits, trial monitoring and the
provision of legal assistance;
20. Calls on the EU Delegation to raise the cases mentioned in
this resolution, as raised by UN bodies and experts, including, among many
others, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, Ho Duc Hoa, Tran Anh Kim, Le Thanh Tung, Phan Kim
Khanh, Tran Hoang Phuc, Hoang Duc Binh, Bui Van Trung, Truong Minh Duc, Nguyen
Trung Ton, Pham Van Troi, Nguyen Bac Truyen, Le Dinh Luong, Nguyen Van Tuc,
Nguyen Trung Truc, Pham Van Diep, Nguyen Nang Tinh, Tran Duc Thach, Pham Doan
Trang, Can Thi Theu, Trinh Ba Phuong, Trinh Ba Tu, Dinh Thi Thu Thuy, Nguyen
Thi Ngoc Hanh, Ngo Van Dung, Le Quy Loc and Ho Dinh Cuong;
21. Urges the EU Foreign Affairs Council to discuss the human
rights situation in Vietnam; calls on the Member States, preferably ahead of
the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, to strongly voice
their concerns regarding the worsening human rights situation in Vietnam;
encourages the EU and its Member States to intensify their international
efforts to promote, at the UN Human Rights Council, a joint initiative with
like-minded partners, and particularly with the new US administration, with a
view to working towards concrete human rights improvements in Vietnam;
22. Calls for the EU to continue to work towards an effective
control system for the export, sale, update and maintenance of any form of
security equipment, arms and dual-use goods, including internet surveillance
technology, in order to avoid their use for internal repression by states with
a worrying human rights record, including Vietnam;
23. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the
Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High
Representative of the Union for Foreign affairs and Security Policy, the
Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Government
and National Assembly of Vietnam, and the Secretary-General of the United
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